Traumatology – developed to study all solutions to prevent in order to find methods of treatment for diseases associated with tendons, bones and muscles. This branch of medicine closely interacts basic areas as orthopedics, neurosurgery and sports medicine.
The primary task of traumatology is always to return patients to a normal, measured life without pain and other restrictions in movement as quickly as possible. Traumatology in Kiev on the left bank practices treatment with conservative methods without worrying about surgery.
The most popular and common kinds of injuries
The crazy rhythm of life, the rapid growth and development of various traumatic sports as well as a large numbers of technical means are just some of the reasons that significantly increase the amount of people with injuries. They can be conditionally split into three groups:
– Household injuries. Among all the others, these occupy a top place. Often they are open wounds. Could also be dislocations and sprains.
– Injuries received at the job. Fall from great heights, electric shock or chemical burn.
– Injuries received in sports. In gymnastics, the top of limbs suffer, in football the bottom limbs, in tennis players it does not take elbow joints, and volleyball and basketball players usually injure the fingers.
Carried out diseases
As well as treatment, traumatologists also diagnose a specific disease. To do this, a number of studies are completed using various methods using ultrasound, x-rays or computed tomography, in order to see the current state of the bones or joints.
When in the event you see a traumatologist?
You will need to tune in to your body as a way to hear the first messages for visiting specialists in time. The most frequent are:
– injuries that have led, or may lead to deformities from the limbs;
– the look off a crunch in the neck, arms or legs;
– various painful sensations in the bones, muscles or joints;
– deterioration of joint mobility;
– Difficulty in movements after sleep or long rest;
– swelling with the extremities.
Major diseases with the musculoskeletal system
Any disorders which might be linked to the musculoskeletal system could be conditionally split into two groups:
Independent or they are also called primary – arthrosis and arthritis.
Secondary – arise due to an earlier illness, that the wrong treatment was chosen or otherwise not completed until complete recovery.
A traumatologist helps in treating varying degrees of complexity of diseases.
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