Rational Website Design Usability Approaches

Having an effective web design for your site is extremely important if you’re looking out to make a good impression on your target audience. Most people are visual creatures and will form an immediate judgment about a website based on its appearance and how everything is laid out. To help you design your website effectively, and to correct any mistakes you might have made, we’ll now look at some important principles that should be followed for designing a website.

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Use 404 Pages to Your Advantage: It’s fairly common for people to make typos when they’re trying to find something online, and this can lead to a 404 error page. You may be wondering how this fact relates to designing a website properly. The point you have to realize is that anybody who lands on your 404 page and leaves is a potential prospect/customer lost. The way to solve this problem is to build a 404 page that gives the prospect a path back to an active page on your site. This one step can get you lots of visitors who would have left otherwise, perhaps assuming your site was not active. You can design the 404 page however you want, as long as you make it easy for the visitor to find your site.

We know that privacy policy pages as well as disclaimers and others are not design elements, but people do check for them and actually read them, too. It is well worth the money to buy what you need, and all you do is fill in the blanks and you’re done. Some visitors may not do business with you or give you their contact information if you do not have a privacy policy and other notices. Besides that, search engines like Google require you to have an updated privacy policy on your site, without which it simply won’t rank.

Use a Favicon: There are small things that make a big difference when it comes down to web design; one such thing is the Favicon or the “favorite icon”. You can easily brand your website and make it easier to find by having a favicon. With this feature, when your site’s URL comes up, your own logo will also appear. Whenever anyone bookmarks your site, the favicon will also appear, so you’ll be able to make a special impression on people with this image.

Over time your site design is going to get better and will be more effective as you learn and make things better. However, first you should focus your attentions on web design element basics so that you know that nothing is missing from your site. Web design isn’t really that complicated but often people turn it into something that is. You need to focus on your foundation first when you want people to respond well to your site, buy your stuff and help you find wild success.
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